
OK so what does antisciencism mean. What has science given us. Radioactive waste that will stay with us thousands of years. Chernobyl and Fukushima are but the very tip of the iceberg as we say. Listen to me. Scientists are like a use car sales man. Well, for one they want to unload on you a junk car. They do not even care. Yeah, that is why there is growing antisciencism. What these bozos wanna get is your money. Don't give it to em. Fact is, that junk car belongs in a junk yard sold as scrap.

According to men in science, we came from aquatic apes. There are no fossil remains of these water based monkeys anywhere, but they claim that we will find them one year. Hey, that is not what we see. Fact is, you need more faith to believe in science than in an all powerful God who is all wise. After all, science says we came from mutations or random errors.

What is science any way... It is a religion for atheists who do not believe in a higher power. Cathederals of science are museums. Frankly, a bunch of bones that scientists claim prove their theory of the evolution of life from an abiotic process. Expect liars to lie some more. That might be what they most enjoy. After all, we see that they are always changing what they say. Most scientific theories that were popular one hundred years ago are no more. OK some are gone. A great many have been modified so much that they are hard to even recognize. Why do we have a science that does not admit what processes are going on. Basically, it is a far easier to constantly ridicule people with other views.


Oh yes, we are antiscience. That is my purpose. Planet Earth needs more antisciencism.

What does science say. OK, so they accuse us of gloom, doom, and pathological pessimism. Truth is, they are the ones who are turning our warm wet world into a red radioactive ruin. Do you want a planet that is green. Well, stay away from science. They want to turn it into a moonscape. People, antisciencism is the answer. Otherwise, we will soon have too much radiation to survive. 

I use a small device known as a  Hyper Dimensional Resonator.


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