Future of Flutes

You see in the future few flutes. The few that still exist are in an old dusty museum. People in the future do not play music. It appears that after the war behaviors that did not lead to survival were no more.

Future Flute

I make the prediction that in the days ahead we do not value music. We see a lot of evidence of an artistic decline even now. In days past old farmers would sing during harvest, now things are so very quiet in that cold office tower.

Sad that we have no more song to cheer our heart in the days ahead, for a cold barren future it shall be.

Tribal society even thousands of years ago had music. It was a way to communicate feelings without words. The sound of drums could muster people to war, or a sweet lullaby lull a child to sleep.

Blowing on a musical instrument like a flute has been done for thousands of years. There are ancient flutes found in cave that are from the dawn of man. It seems a shame that in our future we will lose our ability to appreciate fine art and music.

Our unique human attributes are being slowly lost. Sadly, the future is so silent.

This is what I did see in the times ahead using the Steven Gibbs Hyper Dimensional Resonator.


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