Other Experiments - Alternate Energy

Electric motors have inside a permanent magnet and windings of copper that create an electromagnet. Al Bielek says that an electric motor can tune into the zero vector. The zero vector is important when using the HDR since it gives you a point of ref in the multiverse.

According to Al Bielek the problems with the Philadelphia Experiment were because they did not tune into the zero vector. So people would materialize inside of the metal hull of the Eldridge, and other parts of the ship. This was later solved.


Any electric motor like a fan or a clothes dryer can synch with the zero vector, you hear a clank when this happpens.

For example the solar chager converts light to electricity, but does not tune into the zero vector, however, the electric motor/generator converts motion into electricity and it does tune into the zero vector. So a generator not only supplies electricity but a point of ref in time travel experiments.

I use a small generator and a power inverter in my experiments with the Hyper Dimensional Resonator.


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