Time Machine Movie

They can claim that we will  the future look like now. However, that is not so, future oil prices can rise more. Also, we will have shortages of food and fuel that are massive. But, lets focus on the positives of the days to come.

What we see in the future is that time travel will become max common. Travel in the 4th dimension well be like going thru air now. In fact, we will even have time travel agencies.

This is going to be so awesome. A place where time travel is common. Right now we can do astral time travel, but few understand the ideas of how it is possible to move in multi space.

In fact, seeing a time travel movie will show us that this desire is like a living fire. What we want is to see the future and live in it.

Telecommuting will reduce the need for the cars.  Technology will find new ways. People will become more efficient in power use.

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